S4 Ep:03 BEST SELLER ENERGY: Five Tips for Getting Your Book into the World this Year!

And She Rises… - Ein Podcast von Amanda Frances

Today’s topic: Best-Seller Energy!! As you may know, I wrote a book — Rich as F*ck — that has (so far, to date) sold over 130,000 copies. It hangs out as a best seller in its categories on Amazon, continually. This book has opened the doors to: Press and media (hello Entertainment Tonight, E!, Selling Sunset, House Beautiful, Architectural Digest, US Weekly… and more) Easily and naturally solidified my expert and authority status Given those who were interested in my work a (truly accessible way) to learn about what I do Helped a f* ton of people in their journey with finances and relationship with money … and (as I always joke) finally my mom knew what to tell people it is I do (lol) Today’s episode is intended to provide you with five tips to help you get your self published book into the world. And even become a… BEST SELLER! Without further ado… Write the Book You *Want* to Write. Sure there are tons of things you could write about and certain topics you feel may perform better than others, but listen, writing a book is FOR REAL and you are going to be in the best position if you write the one you have the most energy and passion behind. Perhaps you’ve started other books that never fully come to fruition (we all have) — write what is on your heart NOW and everything will be… so much easier. Go where the motivation and inspiration are as you are going to need motivation and inspiration to do this thing. Trust me. Be the BOSS of Your Book. Remember: You are the expert on what you are meant to say, do and give in this world. Editors, proof-readers and cover artists may have something to say — and take in their feedback (you hired them for a reason) — but reject the edits and ideas that aren’t right for you. Preserve your voice. Bring your angle. Your book is your business. At the end of the day, trust yourself — you’ve been given the divine perfect wisdom for your book! Own Your Voice + Find Your Angle. People get really stressed out about being “niche” enough — you are the niche, my love. Your take, perspective, spin, story and angle are your unique niche. Get to the root of who you are and what you have to offer through your book. Embrace your journey. In Cara’s example, she’s writing about love — but her unique experience (a post-divorce won living in the Lower East Side and embracing her mistakes and mishaps) makes the book interesting to people. Embrace your journey and story. YOU ARE ENOUGH! Your Journey has been Perfectly Designed and Orchestrated for this Moment and this Book. People talk themselves out of writing their book (starting their business or creating their course) with the concern that it’s “already been done.” The world may have other books on your topic, my love, but they don’t have one from you. No one will do it like you. They couldn’t if they tried. Yes, your topic has been written about before, but the world does not yet have your perspective. Your stories, your history, your pain points — it’s all been perfectly designed and orchestrated in your life for you to use it for good. It’s time to use it for good. Marketing Your Book is an Act of Service and Love. I love sharing with the world what I am most excited about. (This makes me a fantastic internet marketer. lol) Here is what I embraced when it came to promoting my book: I wanted to create a movement. I wanted to be of service. By sharing my book I was taking so much of my information, wisdom, and knowledge, and I put it into something that is affordable and accessible for people (during a pandemic!). I charge a lot of money to get information from me in lots of ways — and I own that — but creating something that is truly accessible (my e-book is $5!) for people to start with felt like reaching the masses in a new way. You should never feel bad for promoting your book or work. Do it from a place of love and generosity. Do it from service. Your book is something to be so proud of! Okay, a few time-sensitive things to share with you... Check out my LATEST self-published work, The Rich as F*ck Planner: Your Most Abundant Year Yet — available now! Check out the original book this planner is based on: Rich as F*ck. Check out Cara’s most popular book, Girl Code. And stayed tuned because Cara and my digital course, Self-Published, is going on sale very soon! This course was created to walk you through your self-publishing journey, empowering you to do things your way, and sharing with you all we've learned while becoming best-selling authors. Woot woot! Qs? Comments? Concerns? We are here. Reach out at [email protected]. All the love, Amanda + Team AF

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