S3 Ep:09 The Energy of EXPANSION: Growing your Business with Ease & Flow

And She Rises… - Ein Podcast von Amanda Frances

Hello. Welcome to the And She Rises (the Royal F Up) — the podcast! We are so happy you are here.   These three little clips were taken from one of my favorite courses: Queen of Hearts!   I have not promoted or launched QoH in a bit of time, however, it is available all year in The Vault. (The Vault is where we put things that are no longer launched or promoted, but that people often ask for, because — well — there is good sht inside.)   Here are the riffs from today’s podcast:   1. It gets to be easy. We have become addicted to making things hard. We tell ourselves that it has to be hard for it to be good enough… but why? It all comes down to a big f*ing says who? The world needs your gifts.   The world needs your work. The world needs you sharing your message. And we need it out there as quickly and easily as possible.   Drop the idea that everything needs to be ultra professional or require suffering to have… value. What’s the path of least resistance for you getting more of your heart, thoughts and gifts into the world right now?   What if it all gets to be a fun, flowy, open-hearted, next-level aligned as you share the things you desire to the world?   2. Ease, grace and flow in your life and work. Here’s a belief shift: We’re not getting away with something by creating ease and flow in our lives and businesses. This is how it is meant to be for us, if it is what we create and choose. We choose ease, grace, and flow. Not because we’re lazy assholes, but because we have to be ultimately supported and we refuse to overcomplicate our lives. So we show the f* up and do d*mn thing. So we can do work we love, take care of ourselves, support others and live our best lives.   Hear me: You being supported is of the highest good. Who are you to have the most perfect clients? No — Who are you not to? Who are you to get paid for your dream offer, your creation, your art? No — Who are you not to?   This is what we have to do. This is how it has to be.   With that in mind, ask yourself: If you could create or teach on anything, and it would be well-received and sell out every single time, what would you create or teach? How would you show up online? How would you show up in the world if you knew what you *actually* wanted and longed to do was perfectly aligned and what you are called to do?   3. Release to expand your capacity to receive. What tasks, roles, and duties in your life or business do you dread? What are you holding on to that someone could do for you and likey do better than you?   These are the things that restrict us and hold us back from growth and receiving. Releasing makes space to receive. Letting go makes room for more.   The point of starting a business isn’t to be exhausted. Or to do sh*t you hate. Or to feel controlling, burnt out or restricted. The point of running your business is freedom. It’s to help people and to earn money doing it. We’re not just delegating to save time, we’re releasing things that clutter our vibrational field. It’s time to expand our capacity to receive.   Okay, loves, Queen of Hearts is available to you in The Vault, where you will find some of our favorite AF Classic programs: https://amandafrances.com/the-vault-af-classics/   Qs? Email support at amandafrances.com — we are here for you.

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