Episode 15_Agroecology World_Dublin, Ireland

This episode was made during a site visit to the Market Garden micro-farm known as The Gnomes which is located in Dublin, Ireland.  It is an inspiring example of the urban Ag movement in Europe that is attracting young farmers to respond to the needs and growing awareness of the consumers and communities for sustainable food systems.

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More and more people are learning that sustainability for society, in general, and agriculture, in specific, urgently demands holistic solutions. But where do you find these answers that are field tested and working? Come with me to find them on my current world travels where I interview practitioners and communities using Agroecology (i.e., Agroecosystem-based solutions modeled on natural ecosystems) to foster Sustainable Community Food Systems . . . Cover art photo provided by Yousef Espanioly on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@yespanioly