26 | The Marketing That Actually Worked to Grow My Acupuncture Practice in 2021

Welcome to the final episode of 2021! This week we're talking about the marketing strategies that were most effective in bringing new patients to my acupuncture practice in the past year.With each strategy I discuss why it was effective AND how I could improve upon it next year. Hopefully you feel inspired to adopt some of these for your own practice!If you missed it, definitely listen to the previous episode as well - all the marketing strategies that did NOT work in 2021. Coming up in the next few weeks, I'll be re-releasing the top episodes of the Acupuncture Marketing School podcast. So even though I'm taking some time off for the holidays, the podcast will still be here with fresh inspiration for you.And a big thank you to everyone who joined me for the live Acu Biz Planathon on Sunday, Dec. 5th!It was an absolutely pleasure to spend a weekend morning with you, discussing your wins from 2021 and all the amazing plans you're setting in motion for 2022. I had a blast, and I hope you did, too!If you didn't register for the Planathon earlier but you're feeling the planning and goal-setting vibes at this point in the year, you're welcome to watch the replay. Even though it's not live, I think you'll still feel really inspired and like part of the community from hearing everyone else's successes, struggles, and amazing plans for the future. Being a small business owner can feel a little isolating sometimes and I think the Planathon will help reunite you with how wonderful it is to be part of the acupuncture community.I hope you enjoy this final episode of 2021! Thank you for being here. This podcast wouldn't exist with you, and I can't wait to see you again in 2022! Show Notes:The Acu Biz Planathon 2022 Replay Episode #25: Marketing Failures for My Acupuncture Practice for 2021Episode #23: My Instagram Marketing Strategy for November and December of 2021Episode #19: The Simple Marketing Campaign That Made August My Highest Revenue Month at My PracticeEpisode #12: How to Get More Google Reviews for Your Acupuncture PracticeSupport the showCurious about Acupuncture Marketing School, the online course for marketing beginners? Join me inside! Click here to learn more.

Om Podcasten

Ready to build a thriving, meaningful business? Learn how to market your acupuncture practice with confidence, serve more patients, and increase your income. Hosted by Michelle Grasek, practicing acupuncturist and marketing coach, this podcast delivers practical marketing ideas to help you increase your visibility in your community and change more lives with the incredible power of acupuncture. Visit michellegrasek.com for free marketing checklists and workbooks, and follow Michelle on Instagram @michellegrasek for even more marketing insights and ideas.