Special episode: “Really this girl ought to be going to something better”

Over the past few years, as well as making Accentricity, I’ve been working on the Manchester Voices research project at Manchester Metropolitan University, with Rob Drummond, Holly Dann, Sarah Tasker and Erin Carrie. As part of this work, we used oral history recordings to explore language change over time, and we’ve recently published a journal article about this work. We’re really proud of this article, but it’s not really that accessible to people who aren’t professional linguists, and we wanted to find a way to share our work with everyone who’s interested, so we made this podcast episode to act as a companion piece to this article.

Om Podcasten

Why do we love some accents and hate others? Why do we talk differently in different situations? Does learning a new language really teach you to think differently? In this linguistics podcast, I examine how the way we talk connects to who we are.