Mindfulness & Leadership: How practicing mindfulness can influence leadership skills with Sari Laine

Sari Laine is a PhD student at Turku University within the scope of which her dissertation is about developing leaders’ self-awareness. Furthermore she is a M.Sc. Economics, work-life oriented mindfulness trainer CMW and author of a book about stress management and awareness skills. Sari has a background in HR and Human Resource Development positions helping organizations to create optimal personnel development processes. 

In addition to her scientific work, she imparts this knowledge in the course "awareness skills and mindfulness at work and home" she has developed. This course is a unique, science- based combination of knowledge and practice. It consists of compact introduction lectures and relaxing meditation and visualization practices. 

Her aspire is to share knowledge about self management, self-awareness, psychological resources, mindfulness and their impacts on leadership and organisations.

Take aways from this episode:

- Saris background 

- how mindfulness can influence leadership skills

- conceptual clarification

- difference facets of leaders 

If you want to learn more about Sari, feel free to check here: 



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