S2. E6. - What is Content Design? With Sarah Stanford

Hello friends!  Have you heard of 'content design'? It's different to content strategy and UX writing... but it's probably not spoken about nearly as much.  Until today! We're chatting with Sarah Stanford from Novelise, and this is what we cover: - What is 'Content Design'? - The beauty of model-first web projects (Sarah is probably the most passionate person everrrr about this, we love it) - How is content design different to content strategy and UX writing? - What kind of clients need this kinda work (hint: the kind with $$)? - What the eff is headless content? Podcasts mentioned in this episode: You’re Dead to Me History is Sexy Rex Factor Resources:  Article group newsletter: https://articlegroup.com/ Guerrilla research for Air BnB by Gary V’s content guy: https://medium.com/interactive-mind/airbnb-guerilla-usability-testing-548b4676d06c https://www.uxframeworks.design https://uxwriterscollective.com/ Books: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous - Ocean Vuong Ordinary People - Diana Evans Sarah’s contact info: www.Novelise.com.au @noveliseco on insta

Om Podcasten

More of a chat than a podcast, we share our experiences, learnings, laughs and *cough* wisdom as we recount stories from our lives as comms specialists, UX and CX advocates, marketing tragics… and our quest to finding a flow between our titles as ‘mum’ and ‘business owner’. We can already tell we’re gonna be great pals. There are no formalities here - you’re invited into our conversation where things are super relaxed so you can take off those shoes! Co-hosts: Branka Injac Misic Laura Luck