S1 Episode 10 - Financial Inclusion

"Fairness as a Service", "That goal you've described is wonderful" ... a discussion with Karen Elliott of Newcastle University  (top 35 women in Fintech, UK) and Kevin Telford of GOFCoE (top 100 data 2021, UK) talking about their shared passions around Financial Inclusion and a fairer society. Always a fascinating conversation with either Karen or Kevin, but together .... well, we talked for a while! For more information on #CDR and #DigitalResponsibility check out http://corporatedigitalresponsibility.net LinkedIn:      Rob Price Facebook:    CDR Twitter:        @the_Digital_COO Instagram:    the_digital_coo

Om Podcasten

A podcast about digital impact on people and planet. Based in the UK but talk to global guests including #CEOs #Authors #Academics #SMEs and #experts about their work innovating using technology to make a real difference to people, communities, society and the planet. We talk about #Digital #DigitalEthics #AI #AIEthics #Sustainability #Trust #Privacy #GDPR #Innovation #TechforGood. Supporting the global Digital Responsibility movement, also known as CDR, Digitalt Samfunnsansvar, RNE and more. Check out the website for more information https://corporatedigitalresponsibility.net