Professor Prue Morgan - Adults with Cerebral Palsy, Clinical teaching tips

Professor Prue Morgan is head of department at Monash University, Melbourne - Australia. She is a self professed yes person and expert in adults with cerebral palsy. We discuss her career journey, her passion for cerebral palsy and teaching philosophy.4:45 - Career path8:00 - Why cerebral palsy10:40 - Drop of in care for adults with CP11:50 - Filling the gaps in CP care13:00 - Keeping the passion14:20 - Neuroplastic potential vs compensate for success16:05 - key principles of working with CP18:30 - Team and importance of seating and positioning21:40 - Fatigue in CP23:30 - Barriers to participation in CP26:25 - Resources to assist CP knowledge for therapists30:15 - Prue's PhD34:00 - Transitioning into Academia35:30 - Teaching tips for successful student placements40:15 - Value of observation43:00 - Importance of feedback to grow and learn44:55 - Developing evaluation skills in students46:20 - Committee work and taking opportunitiesPrue's Monash Uni profilePrue's research output

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Welcome to A Neuro Physio Podcast. Erin and Matt chat openly with experienced people in the neuro physio world. We highlight the personal story and career pathway of our guests as they share clinical pearls applicable to modern neurological physio practice.