Routines, rituals and positive wellbeing habits

“I know what to do, but I just don’t do it!”   If you’ve ever found yourself saying these words to yourself then you’re not alone. With so many things that you could be doing to help boost your physical and mental wellbeing, it can feel overwhelming when there’s no structure.   This episode outlines a series of points in the day where a set of behaviours can be turned into routines, rituals and habits that have a positive impact for minimum effort. The idea isn’t to try and do them all, but rather to find the ones you think will be sustainable and have the biggest difference.   Pick 5-10 new things that you want to try and add in, then set up a tracker so you can note your progress. Don’t worry about missing a few days here and there, but try to build up a picture of the changes you are making and what differences you’re noticing.   You can download a copy of the notes for this episode with all of the habits and behaviours briefly described by visiting the website   This is a direct download with no email-opt-in required, though whilst you're over there you wish to sign up to my occasional email musings anyway!

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Sometimes we all need a bit of a boost. A boost of energy, a boost of motivation, a boost of positivity. In A Bit Of A Boost, wellbeing and performance expert George Anderson shares ideas and strategies to give you the boost you need. Drawing on 2 decades of experience as a personal trainer, wellbeing, performance and mindset coach, George offers new perspectives and practical tips, and introduces an exciting lineup of guests who share their own personal go-to methods of boosting their wellbeing. A Bit Of A Boost aims to equip you with the tools and resources you need to boost your motivation, energy and mindset, and bridge the gap between knowing and doing as you move from information to implementation. You can find out more about George on his website at, follow him on LinkedIn at and Facebook at