#61 加拿大禁止大部分外国人买房

News with Zhe - Ein Podcast von Learn with Zhe

🇨🇦🏠 I'm currently travelling in Canada, so I came across some Canadian news, which I used to discuss what Chinese and Taiwanese cultures think about buying a house. Furthermore, I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year and luck in the Year of the Rabbit.   🇨🇦🏠我現在在加拿大旅遊,因此我找了一則加拿大的新聞,順便用這則房屋新聞中來討論中國、台灣文化中對於買房子又什麼看法。另外,也先祝大家新年快樂、兔年行大運。   🇨🇦🏠我现在在加拿大旅游,因此我找了一则加拿大的新闻,顺便从这则房屋新闻中来讨论中国、台湾文化中对于买房子又什么看法。另外,也先祝大家新年快乐、兔年行大运。  [00:00] introduction [03:50] explanation [10:58] discussion    Please don't hesitate to contact me. 📫Email me( [email protected]) 📺Find me on youtube (for transcripts)   📝Find me on Instagram (for vocabulary cards and QA)    👩‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on italki (with this link)   👨‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on Preply(with this link)  來源/来源:加拿大禁止大部分外国人买房法案 1月1日生效 (rfi.fr)