#48 餐厅圣诞节免费提供食物 ft.皓雯

News with Zhe - Ein Podcast von Learn with Zhe

🎄⛄️✝️ Merry Christmas Eve, and Merry Christmas tomorrow as well. Today I'm going to read some heartwarming news. I'm going to invite another good friend of mine, "Hao-Wen," to talk about the news. She generously shared her family's story. Remember to listen to it til the end.  🎄⛄️✝️聖誕夜、平安夜快樂、也祝你明天聖誕節快樂。今天要來看讓你很暖心的新聞。今天會邀請我的另一個好朋友“皓雯”來一起討論新聞,她很大方分享了她自己家人的故事,記得聽到最後~   🎄⛄️✝️圣诞夜、平安夜快乐、也祝你明天圣诞节快乐。今天要来看让你很暖心的新闻。今天会邀请我的另一个好朋友“皓雯”来一起讨论新闻,她很大方分享了她自己家人的故事,记得听到最后~    [00:00] introduction [04:17] explanation [08:22] discussion    Please feel free to contact me. 📫Email me( [email protected]) 📺Find me on youtube (for transcripts)   📝Find me on Instagram (for vocabulary cards and QA)    👩‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on italki (with this link)   👨‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on Preply(with this link)  來源/来源: “回馈社会比赚钱更重要”!悉尼餐厅圣诞节免费提供食物_腾讯新闻 (qq.com)