Die letzte Frage (200)

Hello my friends, this is 1000 Questions Podcast. We are again writing our description in english, because we thought, might push our listener numbers a lot. So maybe our last episode ever will be heard all around the globe! In our last episode, we decided to have a extra large question round that we wanted to discuss. This is why it takes so long this time :) So feel free to rate us on your prefered podcast platforms - so that maybe this project can survive. But maybe we see and hear each other in other projects - so have a good time! Thank you for listening and for your support! Goodbye! Have Fun.

Om Podcasten

Leo und Corbinian wollen das Internet zu einem besseren Ort machen. Dafür beantworten sie jede Woche die spannendsten, kuriosesten und lustigsten Fragen aus dem Cyberspace. Um genauer zu sein: 1000 Fragen.