Metropolys Retro Dj HS oct 2013 (2h)
100% MIX (Rétro & Techno) Dj HS - Ein Podcast von Dj HS
Playlist de la Retro sur Metropolys du 31 octobre 2013 mixés par Dj HS /// Facebook "Dj HS" 22H00/22H30 NUDE building a bridge DE LACY hideaway U2 lemon PETE HELLER big love PLANET FUNK chase the sun HEX allright to love 22H30/23H00 MIRO spaceman YELLOW SCREEN out of time SYSTEMATICS PART violin de la nuit SUNCLUB fiesta SILVIO ECOMO no dip BOLZ BOLZ take a way UNA can you heart me 23H00/23H30 PUSH universal nation SYNDICATE OF LAW right of time PEYOTE alcatraz MICROBOTS cosmic evolution SPACE FROG follow me CAMISRA let me show you B.B.E flash 23H00/00H00 O.T QUARTED hold that sucker down SUBMISSION women beat their men ASTROPHUNK better time GREEN VELVET coitus TWICE AS NICE overture CHANNEL TRIBE program 1 RUN DMC it's like that