Spanish Vocabulary | Computer Science

Review your Spanish and improve your vocabulary everywhere with our podcasts! In this episode, a new vocabulary topic on clothes and fashion! The vocabulary list : A computer un ordenador a keyboard un teclado a screen una pantalla a mouse un rat贸n a USB key una memoria USB a hard disc un disco duro An SD card Una tarjeta SD a webcam una c谩mara web a printer una impresora an Internet connection una conexi贸n a Internet to go on the Internet Ir en internet Cables a software un programa a desk una oficina a document un documento A file un archivo an update una actualizaci贸n send an email enviar un correo electr贸nico a mail un correo A URL address Una direcci贸n de URL

Om Podcasten

馃搱 Brush up on your Spanish anytime with this daily vocabulary podcast series! This podcast was created to help you improve your vocabulary no matter what your current level is (beginner, intermediate or advanced). You'll find topics like food, city, work, real estate, transportation and more! You will first hear the words in French and then they will be repeated twice in Spanish with pauses to give you time to assimilate them. 隆Buena suerte! 馃敟