Episode 182: You Can Never Do Anything Wrong

You might feel some immediate resistance to the statement in the title of this episode: you can never do anything wrong. I realize it’s a bold statement to make, my brothers, but as you’ll discover today, creation acts like a cosmic mirror that is always offering us the image of ourselves and the pain we are suffering from so that we can see it, so that we can become conscious of it, and so that we can heal from it. That is the lesson of creation and that is why you can never make the wrong choice; because the universe will always teach you. The universe will always love you. A student of mine once asked me how he knew that he was making the right choice and, brothers, I’m going to tell you what I told him: the point of life is not to get anywhere. It’s to notice that you are already there. You are always and forever in the moment of pure creation. The point of life is to remember and create who and what you are, and then to experience that fully. Remember, when presented with a decision, the alpha is the one who always comes up with the same answer, and that answer is always the highest choice. In this way, the alpha is completely predictable. An easy way to measure your progress on the journey to elevating your alpha is to simply notice how reliably you make the highest choice when responding or reacting to any situation. Now, you may be asking: what is the highest choice? Well, brothers, just by asking yourself that question, you’re already on your way to elevating your alpha state. Listening in, you’ll learn more about choosing love over fear, abundance over scarcity, and making decisions that result in the highest good for you. A final reminder: you can't do anything wrong. You can only learn from the choices you make. Tune in today to find out more!

Om Podcasten

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast is the only podcast that guides intelligent, spiritual men who are awakening to their predicament of living in a limited reality. As we continue to grow and learn through life experiences, we become increasingly aware that there is more to life than what we've been told and taught. Questions like 'Who Am I, Where Am I From, and Why Am I Here" are all a part of this beautiful awakening process. Master Life Coach and Spiritual Guide Kevin Aillaud combines neuroscience, quantum physics, mysticism, and coaching wisdom to teach men just like you how to remember the Truth and live a life of joy, love, bliss, harmony, peace, healing, and unity. You will learn how to let go of the trauma that keeps you in anger, frustration, worry, doubt, fear, shame, and guilt and transmute these energies into attractive forces, enabling you to meet women, build confidence, start a business that you love, enjoy more friendships, and elevate the Alpha within. Enroll in The Academy For Consciousness Expansion (ACE) at thealphamalecoach.com/the-academy.